Could you give more info like, what are you using for braces?, which direction are you trying to geomerge it?, and what are you trying to geomerge...
I just interlocked a weapon, holder and a teleporter with the fusion coils to no avail. The teleporter and the weapon holder had no effect on the...
Not impossible but hard. You would have to geomerge a weapon holder, with a weapon holder (rather than a door) and use weapon holders to brace it,...
Still have barriers to add at middle, mid ramp, tower and top rockets. Also maybe some cover between base and middle (south of carbine, closer to...
From looking at your maps I can tell you have the ability and patience to make those lined up interlocks, those nifty structures and those smooth...
If you read all my post you would have noticed I haven't built blue side. This map will be symmetrical, and yes, no implemented MLG forge maps are...
MLG The Pit and MLG Construct both have rockets. I know all the allows and not allows in MLG maps. Mancannons are the only thing pushing it on my...
Here is what I got so far of the map that I've been working on so far in the past week. First off, pictures! Overview: [IMG] Base and...
Octoplex, a terrible map that is only suitable for 2v2 gameplay yet is in a 4v4 playlist. Also there are 3 or 4 power weapons on it (including 2...
Halo 3 uses a different physics engine then Halo 2 (thats why you can deflect rockets in this game, also why you can super bounce on some movable...
i <3 paint [IMG]
and you do have a player on the other team?
Holy grave-dig post batman! :O Really this thread is just a huge display of stereotypes. Just because someone is rude and vulgar does not mean...
I could see it becoming a show off thing. Really just a terrible idea all around. Switchblades are a better idea because you can't miss and kill...
forever, the lag is kinda weird too and if your players start in a heavily interlocked or geomerged spot then there is a chance for them to get...
Wow, great idea, why didn't I think of this. It would be sweet if you included the rocky path (possibly a snipe spawn near there?). Making a man...
My forger's block is a little different then yours (and most I'm pretty sure). I always have ideas for structures and usually entire maps. I just...
When ghost-trick-jumping didn't make it into the Olympics, they made it double team. When it still wasn't good enough they made it inter-species.
Here is Bungie's news post about Sandbox's items.
Trying to make the switches evident to their purpose will definitely be a challenging goal. My idea is to have a window near the switch that you...