Wow, nice is a....fairly interesting map. Amazing interlocking, you hardly see things like this in Ghost Town...especially the geomerging (9th...
Wow, I swear to god, I was thinking about doing something like this last week, except on Avalanche.......just for the ingenious-ness of it, 5/5 =D
Voted, although I'm pretty sure you're gonna win. I'm gonna be veeeeeeery confused if you lose, somehow...
Hmm, interesting twist on the Hide-and-Seek game. I'm intrigued...DL'd. Also, if you ever think about making a v2, you should flip the boxes so...
I love how much detail Bungie adds into areas that people normally can't see in the regular play areas. They put a lot of hard work into their...
No offense, but this looks like you just stole from that one MLG map whose name escapes me right now.......I just know that everyone that plays...
yeeeeeaaaaah, pretty much everything he said. I understand that there's pretty much no weapon that looks like a guitar/bass thing, but the mic...
Pearl: Lvl 86 Infernape Lvl 86 Swampert Lvl 86 Roserade Lvl 85 Weavile Lvl 85 Magnezone Lvl 85 Drifblim GOD, Drifblims need so much god damn...
Nice map. The aesthetic's are above average, and it's done on Avalanche. As long as it's not Foundry, that's pretty good. I'm not sure about...
Yeah, seriously, professional gamers are pretty much ballin' Anyway, professional gaming is considered a sport the way that competitive poker is...
Alright, just to clear up that 12-hour countdown thing to people that still don't know about it somehow, Bungie was talking about how their site...
It's a pretty interesting map, and it looks like it's forged well. I can also guess that the gameplay is at the very LEAST a bit better than okay....
er, I think it's just me, but when I click on the link that should take me to the map, it takes me to the gametype instead.....while the gametype...
Honestly, I like it because it looks pretty badass.....well, not so much the helmet, the helmet is kinda weird looking, but the chest and shoulder...
honestly, Hayabusa isn't that great of a helmet in general... anyway, I honestly think that the two helmets you made are equally good
Well, really, this is basically like asking "Are Spartan Players Dumb???". The answer to that is sometimes. Both types are going to have idiots...
Left 4 Dead. That game is gonna be off d@ H!ZZL3!!!!111!!1!!11!1!!!!
It'd be nice to have campaign plug-in missions, but I doubt it... Whatever Bungie is using at PAX, it's probably either just a disk used to...
Heh, I've only done like one drawing that's small enough to fit in my scanner, everything else is like twice as big as my scanner =/ So, here...
If they took off the item limit, it would become too laggy and people would hate it....that would be great if they could take off the item limit,...