I use both, it just depends on what I feel like using at that point in time. About 65% of the time though, I use the Lancer, but still, that's...
god dammit, I knew I should've read the comments first before watching this video -,- I am.....so sad
1. Guardian 2. Last Resort 3. Valhalla 4. Ghost Town 5. Cold Storage 6. High Ground 7. Standoff 8. The Pit 9. Blackout 10. Narrows 11. Construct...
Alright, this is pretty much just a tweaked version of TrioEnzyme's Grav 'nade, but I think it's pretty badass.... Name: Gravity Grenade...
....The Robbers are supposed to have a base? I've honestly never seen a Cops 'n Robbers map where the Robbers have a base.... Unless you mean a...
Well, you have Fallout 3, which is full of action and **** like that, plus it has replay value since you can't do ALL of the missions in one...
yaaaaaaay, no one has the same armor or emblem as me. And all this time, I thought there were at least a couple people with Desert Camo armor...
Yeah, I was stumped when I started thinking about this too, but then I just figured, like everyone else here said, that everyone believes that...
You know, I've really been playing around with this idea for different gametypes like (of course) Infection and Objective gametypes, but the only...
Yeah, you're not alone. I love objective games! The only objective games I actually hate are KotH and VIP. Hate KotH for the same reason Blakem0n...
Wow, amazing map o_o I love the lighting effect you used with the man-cannons! Not sure why, but I always like maps with more Covenant weapons...
I actually have a SNES in my closet, along with a **** load of games......I just don't have an adaptor that makes it compatible with my...
Could ya make me a custom rank that says "Killjoy" with the Killjoy medal as the picture and bars that are red and yellow? If you could do that, I...
I frikkin' love custom games (I've played more than twice as many customs than social and ranked games combined...). I guess I'll join =/
this seems like a pretty cool map. From what I've seen so far, I REALLY like the layout, it's pretty interesting. Although, I think there's a...
Hmm, this map could use a v2... the shield doors scare me. It might make the game into a camp-fest...you should either lower them so you could...
Wow, I just had an epic idea.... what if.........Bungie made a new Covenant or possibly even Brute-based aircraft that held a pilot and 2-4...
Shame on you for saying they should drop single-player altogether >=O Are we all forgetting that not all of us can afford internet? I myself...
Button Layout: Default Vibration: On Crouch: infection games: Toggle; Everything else: Hold Sensitivity: 2-3 depending on how good/bad I'm...
good for you for trying to be nice. Really, I'm not being sarcastic or anything. It's just that you shouldn't do it for them, otherwise you're...