This is NOT me wanting Bungie to put in more weapons. This is for pure entertainment value. We all know that there are many different weapons...
Ghost Rider - 10G Splatter someone with a Chopper while on fire in any ranked, social, or custom game. Who Needs Rockets? - 20G In any ranked...
Has anyone DLed the new DLC, Point Lookout yet? The trailer said it was released June 23, and there's a bunch of reviews out already, so I assume...
When I beat Broken Steel with my first character, I started a new game that I decided to base on the Arbiter. At first, I made him extremely ugly...
Orly, it's good for destroying vehicles? I didn't know that, thanks for the info. I'll try it next time I go into BTB or some other playlist with...
to The Official Y35, I was responding to STWOW. anyway, the Spike Grenades are pretty much useless out in the open if you don't stick someone,...
I wouldn't say the Carbine is useless, it can beat a BR easily in close-to-mid-range combat. Anyway, what do you mean Plasma Rifles and Spike...
Woooow, this is one of the most original things I've seen in a while....and that 7th picture makes me wanna play it even more. Definitely DLing...
The only problem I have is when the Director throws 4 or more specials at you at the exact same time. I have an even bigger problem when it throws...
well, if the players start with BR's, can't they still just shoot them? It doesn't matter how far away they are, as long as the pallets stay still...
um, one problem with the idea for having guys stuck in boxes with portable gravity lifts on pallets...can't the guys stuckin the box just shoot...
honestly, Frigid is one of the best screenshots I've EVER seen. Nitro's good, too, but I doesn't have **** on, the blue from the...
not sure if this list is really worth anything since the maps are gonna be on the marketplace soon....anyway, I've got the maps, GT is Okage4
Like a couple others said, the map is already good, but it could be better if you simply added bumps and turns and things like that....aside from...
yeah, unlike frikkin Operation: Anchorage, The Pitt is totally worth the $10. The actual quest was pretty fun, with a nice little twist towards...
[IMG] Screenshot title: War Torn Map: Snowbound Was your screenshot staged: No Are you the sole creater of this screenshot: Unless you count me...
I looove this, I'll TRY to make it, but there's a lot of factors that could have me end up not being there. If that's the case, sorry, I wanted to...
Crash Bandicoot 2 for the PS1 frikkin' awwwwwesome....I wuv the original Crash Bandicoots
This is a preeeetty sexy-looking racetrack. I DLed it earlier, then I played a couple games on it, it was pretty fun. And the interlocking...
I think anything the announcer says will sound badass. I wish I had his voice....he makes anything sound cool. Even "Teletubbie Massacre!" or...