Sure I'll help you... What type of map do you want to make?
Cover,Cover,Cover! Why does every1 want more cover? Look cover is nice but obviously this map does not need more cover, you cant always have...
wow... I like how a simple ad went to a discussion about how Gamer cant Geo-lock well...when he obviously knows he cant.. anyway, what I want the...
lol, get som pics up... on the FH post
What the subject says, I am in need of someone who is very good at Geo locking and will listen to what I want done, also provide me with ideas on...
lol, yeah.. we kept going around the open boxes in circles to finish off enemys, ended up getten killed by a sniper or turret.. : ) it was pretty fun
lol yeah I was gonna do that but I thought it looked good on the outside that way... another thing I'll fix if I make a V2
Yes, I'll work on it.. Does any1 want to help me? I need som1 who is good at Geo-Locking..
come on guys, This is a really great map... sure there are some flaws but there easy to fix... so give me some feedback on want you want to see!
This looks really well made! I like the idea of the tower being destroyed! DL for me! I'll come back and rate!
*NOTE* This is my opinion! and it does not reflect on the opinion of Sabre88! You sir are a complete Idiot, There is no way in hell Sabre88...
Thanks it took me 3 days to make it... and the gameplay is amazing!
does the map bump everytime you post?
It looks really nice, why do I get the feeling I'm going to be playing MLG on this map alot! 5/5 DL for me!
Hey man, that night we played all those gametypes was crazy! you should check out my newest map Steel Paradox! it should still be on the front...
Hmm... It looks really great! but I download and check out a map before I rate it, so I'll be back tomarrow to put my 2 cents in..
For the V2, "IF" I make one I might get rid of the tower and build either a small Base or make it a floting Platform a bit lower to the ground......
Yeah If I knew how to do it effectivly, I would of done it on most of the map...
lolz that was random
lol, yeah... the sniper tower was put there cause i didnt know what eles to make.. and I spent at least 6 hours on the highway... if I decide to...