Well we have these already, in 500 odd years the best they can do is get rid of the sights, make the grenade bigger and add an EMP burst? I'm...
Yeah... as long as it's an asymmetrical gametype I'm pretty sure that they switch spawns. Have you tested a game on it yet to see what happens?
Do you have any pictures to help us out? I think I speak for the majority here when I say I don't comprehend what you're trying to accomplish here.
Care to explain how to play?
Isn't switching sides the same as switching bases? At least if the bases are on different sides.
Yeah, they would never do that... *cough*3000CforalinkedGT*cough*
You have no rights. Play nice. And how would you like it if you put a couple of years of effort into a product just to have people mod and abuse...
Hahahahaha Oh god, I hope you're not being serious
Well know that we know that they based Moas off of an extinct bird, that must mean that soon they will add creatures based off of extinct dinosaurs!
I don't know where you live, but last I checked Moa's don't exist on Earth... And more dinosaurs are definitely needed. Do you know how awesome...
2:21- Hahahaha 4 shots, 1 kill And what does this have to do with MLG? @Death by Syrup, you're one of my new favorite people
Every game is Slayer ;) And I can never seem to have fun on this map, granted, I've never been a big fan of natural, large vehicle-based maps....
Did anyone notice that in the Tempest preview one of the designers said something to the effect of "We really wanted this map to have great...
I always teabag if they had a great chance to kill me and I end up winning the encounter. I also teabag any AL'ers I kill, mainly because nobody...
I really like the way you incorporated the water in the middle of your map to make an O shape, it's the first I've seen it being used in Reach....
haha yeah, I was quite surprised how successful you were, seeing as we were on countdown
Either he doesn't understand puzzle maps AT ALL or this is the cleverest troll I've ever seen. OT: Yes, this does make me want to come up to...
I just played you in matchmaking.... jetpack ***** >:(
I hope that works. But what if the reason that it's impossible to tell is because even HE doesn't know what it's supposed to be?
I just listened yo it, it sounded like "between supposed brlovers, between supposed loverths" I still have no idea which one is which o.O