When I posted the track I forgot the YouTube video. Untill now I had no idea so please feel free to check it out and umm sorry about the bad...
Ryan just add Dice Man 11 on xbox and ill talk to u there im gonna go play matchmaking... Im waiting
Ryan umm I dont think we should talk about this here its not about the track so im gonna go on my brotheres xbox add his gamer tag... Dice Man 11
Ryan I said when my Xbox gets back in February I want to have a forge off just for fun. But nobody can help on our tracks. You know just for...
Thats alot of work man and trust me I know what you mean. Well it seems the work was worth it congrats.
How long did it take to make this masterpiece?
Oh umm one last thing and then I think im good umm, The part at the end where the barrier is where it goes to single wide boxes. That is a...
Hey Dream umm I just wanted to say that this is in my opinion your best track. Dont get mad at me but next track I think you should try something...
Hey Ryan! Umm off topic here but I have a question for you. Just for fun would you like to have a racetrack making forge off. You know like you...
From what I can see it looks very well done. But I cant be too sure for the fact that you have a lack of pictures. Nothing major I just cant...
Incredible! This racetrack is Incredible. The first box turn is 100% perfect. I dont have anything bad to say except if you were to make the track...
Sorry I didnt know not to rate my own thread I wont do it anymore. Thanks you for the good comment though.
Thank you for your tips I understand what you are saying and on my next track I am going to take like a couple of months to make it and it is...
Easy Ryan! Heal. Lol just kidding but umm, Yes I was talking to this person umm yes he mentioned Dream but I dont know if he is "with him". Also...
Do you really think it is 100%? I mean its not cheat proof go to point so is it really 100%. But thanks for the comment. Ha ha ha look at that I...
I am going to straight up say that this is not our best track. Ryan and I have made way better tracks. This track was rushed, dont ask why because...
Whats wrong with simple stuff? I dont think that anything Ryan or Me did is really that hard to do no, but it is still a fun track and in our...
This is my favourite Avalanche racetrack of all time. The way you keep your speed at all times is amazing! There are no bumps on the track...
No there is no jump on the map. I wanted to put one in but I couldnt find a good spot for one. Maybe in my next track I will put one in.
This is probably your best track in my opinion. I really like the way it bends where the fence walls are. You cant get that effect without saving...