Now that I played it, the map seemed fun, but the actual aesthetics are really lacking. If only the map had some interlocking and geomerging!!!...
Congrats on the feature!!! This map looks really cool, and the video was a big help in my DL decision process!! Thanks a whole bunch, I...
I loved warlock, hopefully this map will be just like it!! Got my DL.
Um, your pics don't seem to be working, can you try again with a different format? I really want to see this map and variant!!!
I'm digging the small details here - the red powerup in the wall, the barrels, the beautiful interlocking, I can't wait to try it!
I'm not going to lie to you, that looks ridiculously fun. I can't wait to try it out!! You got my DL
darn it! I really want to see this map but your pictures aren't coming up!! PLEASE TRY AGAIN!!!
This map looks awesome!!! KEEP IT UP!!
I hope there's more.
All of these maps look absolutely amazing. I can't wait to download and play these. I have only one snag/complaint. On your sigma map, I...
My name is Rob, and my GT is Vodelhaus. I've just gotten into forging and I'm really addicted, I'm having a lot of fun and I'm almost finished...
I just DL'd this map, It's really, really cool! Thank you so much for this map! I can't wait for v4!! Thank you, Vodelhaus
I love the idea of a map just meant for goofing around, I love doing that! But some more pictures would be a great help before I consider giving...
I'm going to give it 7.5/10, but that's only because of the really cool looking elevator and the the elevated hallway. I could use a list of...
I think this map looks pretty cool, but I could use a list of weapons and their respective respawn times as well as a couple more pictures. Also,...