This is sick!! you really put some effort into this, You deserve a 5/5!!! I'll DL this.
This looks really clean, I can't wait to give it a download.
you could use some more pictures, I don't really understand if that's all that's in the map or if there's some other stuff not in the pictures.....
This looks cool but you need more than the default construct map. I'd love to play this if the map had more than just a few clever teleporters.
This looks flawless. 5/5 Great job, I'll give it a DL.
This looks really professional, you should be proud for such an accomplishment for a "practice map" The symmetry is nice, and you seemed to have...
There's a crap load of interlocking here, but other wise this looks kind of boring. The shielded man cannon looks cool though. I'll try it out....
I love the use of the extra space in avalanche!! The man cannon/grav lift combo looks really cool, I wish I had the legendary map pack so I...
I can't wait to try this!! The ramps to each base are well-locked, and the cross tower with the mauler is especially crisp. Well done 4/5
This looks like alot of the other maps i've seen, but it would still be alot of fun to play! The fusion coils could use some more detailed...
Me likee the creek and the water fall, really nice touches! Makes me think of a Valhalla-esque style map, only made of steel and iron instead of...
I like the sound of that moveable merging - can you PM me on how you did that please? I'd love to incorporate that into one of my maps.
I love the use of delayed elements - only having the mongoose for three minutes and having to wait for the spartan laser is a pretty smart idea....
The grav lift under the floor is a nice touch. I'll try this one out.
This looks pretty good, I'll give it a DL. My only concern is the open space at the ends of pictures #2 and 3. That area looks boring and open,...
If there was some more interlocking here I'd consider a DL, but this just seems kind of plain. Nothing really innovative or special. That...
This looks like a sick infection map, I can't wait to play it!!! Excellent job with the interlocks!
you're right. This map would be amazing for infection!!! Otherwise, I can't see this map being useful for slayer or CTF or KOTH. Oddball,...
This map looks really fun!! The pallet floor is a nice touch, I like stuff that can be destroyed over time - hopefully the respawns on those...
This looks really fun! You obviously put some thought into this, I can see from the sheer amount of detailing and interlocking present. The...