To tell you the truth, I forgot what most halo 2 and halo ce maps look like so I'll have to do comparisons later lol. This looks really good...
Aside from the lack of pictures, you also have to link the map to your FILESHARE. NOT Atlas. Just letting you know. And another thing, you have 24...
Hey man great scarab! looks like a real scarab especially with the gun on top. Only one thing I recommend to you, you have a shotgun, rocket,...
I was really never a fan of puzzle maps but this looks pretty good from what I can tell. I guess I'll download this just to see if I can get...
There has always been somthing I like about urban type maps. Just love the whole feel of them. I remeber township and thought it was great so I...
Why did you post the same thing twice when you could have just edited your old post? Also I believe this was stated in your old post that you...
Well I could personally care less about the merging if it is straight, clean, and well planned out, cause that is what makes a map, not merging....
I'm afraid I have to agree. This is VERY sloppy and just has no thought behind it. Did you even plan out the layout? Plus everything is crooked...
It doesn't matter if you know him or not, it is still considered spam. Anyways though your map looks like fun, but yeah change the power drain to...
Yeah I thought that it was pretty hilarious so I was like what the heck other people have qoutes in there sigs and this is funny. lol
This does look pretty good, but yeah maybe a tad more cover. Overall it looks nice. Will download. 4/5 Oh and j71193, you completely spammed AND...
Messy!? No way. Yall call it messy and random but I'd like to see yall merge on orbital. I still am trying to learn how to geomerge on sandbox...
You really need some more pics of the map, such as pics ot the bases, cause an overview isn't enough. This seems pretty cool though, like how the...
Well this is a pretty decent racetrack. My only problem is that in some parts the track isn't wide enough such as the "tube" and the finish line....
Wow. Those towers are brilliant. Love all the structures especially those towers. The layout seems perfect for slayer and objective type games....
This seems like a really cool infection map. Love the gloomy effect and the structures seem made really well. I think the multiple entrances add...
I actually some what like this but I agree with everyone else, expand. Make some bases or maybe even another floor cause this IS too small in my...
Great map, really love the ramps and idea and layout of the map. Also at Darkness Seeping, interlocking is not a necessity in a map, also the...
Hey you new here or sum'in.
I agree, what is the point of this map? I don't understand any of it besides that fact that you camp at the top area and that is it. Plus this...