Damn it, everyone said everything that I was going to say. Oh well, guess you mind too much hearing it again from me. I am very impressed with the...
Well either way this isn't all that great. First off it looks way too open from what I can tell. Second, it looks too basic for my taste, there...
Wow please do not spam. That is one of the worst posts I've ever seen. Anyways.... I spotted one thing wrong with the post. That is the...
Well a few of things I spotted that would ruin racing on this map. -One is (well this one really wouldn't ruin it, but is more of a suggestion...
Well first off, this looks pretty good, but I have spotted several things wrong with your map. One of them is, it is sloppy. The blue base looks...
I think this looks fabulous. Usually jumping in a map normally hurts it, but in this case you turned jumping into a tactical sort of way. Good...
Sorry but you WILL be disappointed. This idea is SO overused and the execution is mediocre. I really hate the ending areas of the road. They are...
Did you even read his weapons list that he put up? It states all of the weapons on the map and how many of each. Learn to read before making...
So far, this looks really good. A couple of things for the post though, one, please give us and overview picture of the whole map. I can't tell...
Hey man this looks pretty good. I have to download this one. I really like the overall feel that you have implemented here. The layout also looks...
Hey man I just got done checking out Gatekeeper and I thought that it was A great improvement to Prometheus which was amazing. Great job man, keep...
Sweet. I still have Prometheus on my hard drive and I guess now I'm gonna have to get rid of it to make room for Gatekeeper. I thought Prometheus...
Hey this looks great. But you really need to give us a better description, such as if it is playable or not. This would be prefect if it were...
Hey man, just wanna say congrats on winning the contest. That was really funny, I guess my caption didn't have much of a chance of winning the...
Yeah I suggest taking out those killballs, like the guy above me said. Do they even serve a purpose? I know Halo Wars doesn't have killballs...
You N E V E R fail to impress me. I don't know how you do it, but you do it. This is another one of your amazing and artistic forge creations out...
This is definitely one of the better maps that I have seen out there. The layout seems marvelous and the bases would have to be my favorite part...
Okay really guys? You keep pestering him about interlock this and geomerge that. It doesn't need interlocking or geomerging. What it needs is...
Well like SVV33T SAUC3 said, remove the armory. It destroys gameplay and fun, seeing as how if someone were to go down there, they would be almost...
Who said it can't take that long to make a map? All of my maps sometimes take even longer, which I haven't even completed one. You have no right...