Looks very solid. Yes, I do think the Helms Deep idea is way over-done, but if you can make a map worth playing, then I am all for it. This may be...
Looks like a very good map, but please embed the screenshots using BBCode rather than linking to another site. People are less likely to see them...
I agree with what others have said. This is the cleanest looking Guardian remake yet, by far, in my opinion. But yes, I would perhaps suggest...
Reliant Relic, Thanks. From my experience it was quite difficult to jetpack to the top of the claw structure during a game, but you're right-- in...
I personally loved this map on Halo CE and am very happy to see it remade (I was getting ready to do it myself). Overall, it's a solid effort,...
AfricanBoi, I didn't realize the game specific setting worked like that. Thanks for the tip! Ursus, I would perhaps suggest something like Save...
Dan, I couldn't forge without your repeated suicides to keep me company. Hypertion, thanks. I tried to hide the respawns as best I could (to...
A really intriguing idea; I like your creativity. My only criticism would be that some objects seem randomly thrown in there (i.e. the single...
[IMG] [MAP DOWNLOAD LINK] I am looking for testers and valuable feedback for my next map, Vindication. A fully-playable (and fun) "rough...
Shrapnel, thanks for the feedback. You may be right about the catwalk, and I wasn't even aware of the grav lift issue until reading your post....
I really appreciate the feedback. From my testing with parties of up to 8 players, the sniper doesn't dominate at all. Not only is there a focus...
I figured it wouldn't be long before someone made a map like this on Reach. I'm not a fan of Teacher gametypes, but this looks really great. I...
I agree, give it more curves and bulk it up a little to make it manlier-looking. It's very good for a first map, so I won't be too hard on it. I...
Thanks for the kind words. Personally, I like the variety of weapons, but I can agree to disagree. I'm just glad that you're honest, because...
Honestly, it seems like a cool map, but the grid is distracting. I would prefer it if you just put some coliseum walls down to make the ground...
An intriguing idea. Would love to test & see more. My GT: I am bad sorry.
It may be more fun if you turn on indestructible vehicles and invulnerability... that way, the only way to score is to send someone barreling over...
Overall, a great map. The first thing that I noticed was that it's visually stunning; the dome almost looks like it has giant speakers lining it....
[IMG] For my Halo:Reach ForgeHub debut I give you an exciting map that provides a wealth of fast-paced gameplay and some good old-fashioned fun....
I am already working on the next version, which should include more railings and overall smarter walkways. I ran into the OLN in this version, but...