I like the map. It is, perhaps, a little confusing in respect to getting to certain places, but a lot of great Halo maps are somewhat confusing at...
Simply awesome use of color. I really like that. Also, it seems fairly well-suited for gameplay, although I've only had the chance to run around...
An interesting map, to be sure. I like that you used the big rock from Pinnacle; not many maps make use of that section of Forge World. Also,...
Interesting re-imagination of the Halo 3 classic. Dimensions are definitely different (more narrow), but it's obvious that you weren't going for...
Uh oh. Your photobucket bandwith has been exceeded, which means all your images are broken. I would suggest using imageshack.us instead. This is a...
This is a very nice map worth downloading. Aesthetically, it's great, but gameplay is what really makes it worthwhile. It reminds me of Chill Out...
I think you did a nice job, and I haven't seen any other remakes of this map yet. DMM White's advice would be really helpful, I think. But...
Very impressive map. I too like the simplicity, as well as the braces, which not only serve as good aesthetic pieces but are also quite...
One of the best competitive maps I've seen yet. I really like this; aesthetics are nice but not distracting, gameplay is smooth and fairly open,...
This is a good map. I particularly like the circular structures in the center of the map because they give it a unique aesthetic, and I don't mind...
Thanks, everyone, for the positive feedback. I'm glad to hear everyone is impressed. I'm convinced that this map plays well, but I would love to...
No problem. I clicked "LIKE" but I won't be able to check it out until tonight. If you want to return the favor, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
Will do. I appreciate it... let me know what you think.
Thanks. From my experience in play-testing, the large inner space wasn't an issue, as the majority of gameplay was generally centered on the main...
Thanks. Z-Fighting is something that I can't tolerate on my maps, so I took considerable pains to make sure this one stayed clean. I hope you...
[img] Mint takes place inside a fairly large multi-level complex, featuring in-your-face competitive gameplay amid some beautiful scenery....
I never liked Fat Kid, so I honestly can't say I'm all that interested in this map, either. However, I do think The Trivial Prodigy is being a bit...
If you wanted to make sure humans kept moving and didn't camp out at the beginning, you could always set a kill ball to spawn on top of the start...
Nice work! I'm generally not a fan of kill balls in competitive maps, but in this case, it works. For some reason the map reminds me of...
The water and steps adds huge aesthetic value to this map. Awesome idea! The rest of the map is also well done. Gameplay is a little bit crowded,...