Make sure you say thank you for the comment Shkai, it is nice people give the chance to give an opinion just saying. The map felt pretty good in...
Personally I am absolutely satisfied that this map has so much natural environment incorporated much like snowbound where most of the area's...
@availablemoth Oh the irony, I admit it I have gotten stuck too and I was very upset about that. Sorry the map caused that but like you said, it...
Alrighty, first comment... whatever. Ok, I want to say I have seen you before make a map on here and I will guess that I did. This map had that...
@Caucasian Invasion Why, thank you good sir. The cave was hard to work with but I am confident with it. I apologize for the lack of color but when...
I will comment and say that this looks like a nice mix of blood gulch and spire, it reminds me of both with the tall structures and the bases. Not...
Agree with every word except framerate since it can affect gameplay. Aestheitcs may be pretty but the fun keeps the game going, instead of a...
@Marcass2021 Oh man, I am very glad to find you liked it. It was hard working around the area but it was worth giving the idea it is a forgeable...
@CyborgAnthro Thanks for the comment :) and for the name, I am not sure about jungle or habitat. I kind of wanted a name that can relate to the...
I gotta say, there aren't that many good use of forge pieces or a way to get to the middle without jet pack. The mountain is not really a large...
Wow love the changes so far. Very impressive.
Arbor Pointe has a map very original in content and design. It deserves favorites the most.
I am interested, if you are as well.
@hulter He is relating to your post towards why the name is like that, which is logical and on topic.
One word: Sexay!
@xzamplez You are right about that but I like to get reviewed on the things that make the map nice and interesting as well. Maybe keep both going...
Aww :(
Nah, I don't mess around with great maps and that sucks dude. Alright man, see you Monday.
Cool, I will be online Saturday night. I got some stuff to show you.
Hey, this may sound out of reach but you ever considered pushing out towards 4v4 maps? That would be sweet to see you push towards that because...