Just finished cramming last night to get a "testable" version of my first Forge Island map, tentively named "Remains", It is a large arena style...
lock it up
Me plz
Thanks for all the feedback guys, sorry but I had some last second company that night and was very destracted most of the night. My bro ended up...
Sorry guys I was outta town last week/weekend. I never got a chance to leave feedback on all the maps, but I enjoyed all of them and didn't have...
me plz
I think these changes seem fair, I wasn't there last night nor was I involved with whatever brought about these changes but they seem to be for...
Changes To Archway- 1. Added Proper spawn zones for CTF. Now if your flag is at home you should spawn very close to the exterior wall at...
Here's feedback for payload 1.) Spawning – Had no issue, I like the suggestion to spawn a few guys down with the Mech 2.) Dominion...
Vandelay – This was the first time I played this map, it was a simple layout that was easy to get the hang of right away. The central room was...
I’m impartial to the format, either or works for me, normally I would have stayed for the second round for sure. But as I posted in the lobby...
FYI, I can only test for 2 hours tonight, might have to bail a little early.
Sure mark me down, changes on archway are ready, the more testing the better.
Nice really holding to run my map w/5v5 (default mm ctf) hopefully we can get the guys to fill the lobby, and thanks again to hulk for get'n those...
Thanks man, I have only played it a few times and not yet with a full 4v4. The map is currently only set up for CTF or Slayer, but I will setup...
Mark me down, got some changes that need testing. thanks.
Moonbase20 by Unrivaled20 Even though this map has long lines of sight, I didn’t have an issue with that. I thought the sides of the map offered...
Just got done watch'n that film, it did end up being a pretty good game. I'm glad it didn't get too one sided, I got some good intel from the...