I don't think I'll DL but the revolver looks very nice. 3/5 for idea and 5/5 for revolver :)
Hello this is my first map posted on FH and I spent about 6 hours making and 2 hours testing this map. This jump map includes a few normal jumps,...
this reminds me of **** Zombies on CoD WaW only there is one special person and only one zombie. from the pictures it looks very well done,...
no this isnt like that, there arent any wrong ways or death rooms, and you cant screw up and have to start over either
yeah, i agree. and when you do post this where it is supose to, try to give more of a description, better spelling, and AM or PM on the time.
if you want help, you'll have to talk to buddha because the hints actually help a lot more than you might think
lucky you guys, im still stuck on puzzle 5 :( currently grounded from xbox though cuz i have bad grades so once i get em back im gonna keep...
what if he clogged the toilet, there's no plunger XD
always wondered how to make those types of pics, can only see the green elite one for some reason, but thats probably cuz im on a comp at school...
he probably forged it and saved a new map or something to get past 11 also, sage, delete the post where u quoted me that way people cant just...
alright sorry, i thought someone might say that to me, i deleted the spoiler.
yea, thanks buddha for the help on Puzzle 1. [spoiler]
This is the hardest puzzle map that I have ever played. Good job, I played hell on earth and just gave up lol. In puzzle one, I have the grav...