The problem to me is not about making the floor because that Is my favorite part about making a floated map because you can have it customized to...
I can make it so that dumpsters pop up and down whenever someone drives over something as in like obstacles and stuff or I can make a few trap...
Ya I know... I should be getting my mic soon I will show you the switch right now if you want just send a message on xbox live or here to tell me...
yes I do have AIM but the thing is that it would be hard to do it still because I can't focus between computer and game...
sure I'll do it with you the thing is though is that my mic is broken and I can't collaberate without a mic... I will show you the switch tho :)...
The ball carrier is not invulnerable, the people without the ball are invulnerable
You have a good idea but you need to get up to date with today's forge skills. Here is a link to show some good forge techniques Forging 101 -...
No problem, on the mexican border one you should make it floated or suspended on double boxes so you make ditches and also make the rio grande...
No you see bobsaget it's not that I need a switch made around a map, it's that I need a map around the switch. My switch is very awesome so far,...
For that switch I advise you make it so that the rockets are on top of like a crate or leaning on a pallet just to make it look more inviting. (I...
Very uber man :P, now I definately want you to help me on making a map around that switch, I wasn't sure if you could just make switches and stuff...
In Noland instead of fusioncoils exploding which would make it laggy try and make it so that there is either a bunch of teleporters spread out...
Dude this looks really fun, the thing that impress me the most is the fact that there is so much geomerging which you very rarely seen on...
no I had a guest in that is why... I was just having him look in to show that there is a little crack between it that someone can shoot through,...
Gamertag: kilamanjara14 File share link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share File share slot#: 3 Youtube or avi: Youtube Okay to use in...
I am making this switch right now that makes 2 wire spools block a road so that mongooses, warthogs, ghost, etc. can't go through but people can...
not all switches need custom power ups you know... Look through these switches, about half of them are triggered by custom power ups...
Because switches really haven't been in racetracks to much... There has been an elavator, sure but nothing using stuff like touch sensative...
Wow smitty going right at it with getting into the community aren't you :P well I am beginning to get very good with switches and I could maybe...
Wow... 4 maps in a row, plus all of them are racetracks... damn... I am very impressed with this map (this goes for all four of your maps) very...