I love this song... It is so funny, I may put some other snl videos on also. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhwbxEfy7fg
You should ask blazeisgod to make it. He is awesome at foundry maps :P. No but seriously... semi-seriously, I would like to do it... my skills as...
Man I love this map... I hope you make some more infection maps because there have not been alot lately... Good ones that is. There have been some...
Maybe get some pictures of some of the puzzles? It is very hard to know if it is good or not by just looking at the outside of it. I will come...
Yes I would actually, maybe tomorrow though I will try and add you tonight but yes I would love to know so I can make some amazing switch for my...
Hey, don't delete your photobucket picture until you know that the post is dead then you can, but if you delete it we can not see it...
Find a name or word that comes to mind of the map and then look it up in greek, everything in greek sounds so much better
It has to travel a distance with the torpedo effect of the propane tank. Instead if I had used a fusion coil it would have change blown up and not...
It still didn't work... I am not sure if I did it wrong but it didn't work.
Well first of all if you are new to forgehub, one of the number one rules is don't spam like a dumbass... anyway now that I have that over with. I...
This map is good and all, the only thing is that I went in and looked around and the map is small and there is also a small armory which is not a...
The contest will probably start around late december at best to mid january...
Looks like a very good map so far, but just wondering why did you not geomerge the wall, instead you put fence walls, I would geomerge it to show...
Ya I like most of their songs, some of them are different but I like them, like time to pretend...
Maybe if I could figure out how to make this drawbridge reusable, as in making it go back and forth it would be pretty bad ass, good switch, kinda...
I am confused...
3 letters... WTF?
I love these songs so much... They have a very strong meaning to them and it they are my favorite genre; Indie Rock. So here they are, all by Cold...
Hey y-35 have you seen 1980? It is by the same guys. It is in my recent threads thing if you wanna watch it. I think it is more funny personally...
is it on here already?