Maybe take off the roof so we can see what the bases look like. Also the basements do look like they are loaded with weapons. You might want to...
I can only see an overview and "the package" but the gameplay does sound very fun and enjoyable. Now do the "terrorist" respawn after killed?...
I like it but maybe some more over view shots like the first picture. It would help me see the map better. I will download the map however to see it.
ooo can't wait. I will give you a sneak peak of the map if you want when I am finished... And if you do not like it then so be it.
Hey nice video. Also do you think you could video my map whenever it gets finished? You got nice cap. card by the way. Pretty good quality... This song is so addicting! Whoever did this is like a genious or something. All of...
I got an idea for one that I will put up shortly :). It is a combination of two things that are put up here.
see this is why you need to make the switch for my contest :P jk but if possible please do it. So anyway to the vid. I love it, it looks so... This guy is truly amazing... I think atleast. I do not even know how he does it. He might be part...
Raam and scourge definately....
I just sent a pretty cool video of me ( I think) getting extermination. Also I have a few questions. When is the exact date of the next one going...
He is talking about the level of chaoticness. Like how big it is or how small. How compact it is or how spacious. So I am guessing the higher...
Gears of war. Sometimes your shotgun is like the god of all shotguns that will blow off 5 peoples head across the map at once.(slight hyperbole)...
Miracle -Noun An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a...
ya it is a good trap that can be used very well but already found. There are other tricks you can use for it though. Like if you go to walk for a...
How do you forge them that low? I would really like to know if you could show me in game or something that would be great.
I tested this today and it had very good gameplay. I wish I had played it with only 2v2 instead of 3v3 because it was to hectic kinda but I could...
Ya sorry If I didn't inform u or anything before I posted it...I forgot/got lazy. But I like it alot, might use it in my next map...
ya I was going to post this later actually... I might put some macgruber things also
Alright it wasn't working earlier but now it is...