the map looks great. It is really strage though. War is it suppose to be??
The map looks great. The geomerging is good and interlocking is great or at least better than any1 elses maps ive seen
the map looks great. I never thought any 1 would make a close to exact 3/5 match replica of battle creak. It looks fun to play on
I would make a few more scenery out side of the map. Just to make look a bit nicer
The map looks ausome and was making the bridge hard. Is the bridge the only thing You put on the map. If it is the map is still ausome cause the...
wat is the map suppose to b. I cant tell wat it is. The map looks really origanal no interlocking or any thing
Is this even a map. Looks like just a flowting box
It would be better if there was more pics. I cant really judge the map with 2 picture
looks like a good mlg map. Looks fun also. Good job
your pictures arent viewing so u didnt post the pictures right
well not any more
Dude the map is fudging ausome. I like all the geomerging. Make more Maps like this and send them to me. My Gamertag: xKingSasquatch7
the map looks great. I cant wait till I get my xbox back so I could down load it. Besides that the map has good interlockin ect.
well your map looks really fun. the layout is pretty good. I might just change a few things arond thow
the map isnt that bad its really good lay out. But if I were u I would change some of the weapens around. Like put differnt weapons on the map
dude srry i havnt been talkings a lot. Its because I got banned and i just now can get back online
wow 2 more infactions this is pissing me off
dude wats so great about the map any1 could make it
dude to help u out a little bit on the interlocking ill dl it and fix it and send it to u so ya u can just make it a v2
Dude u should inter lock some of the walls it looks really messy