Whens the next testing lobby i want to see how my map BOOM BEACH does. and if possible i would love for a opportunity to test it with you guys....
A map feature by TheRoflzDude098 can be found here of boom beach giving a walk through. [MEDIA]
Boom Beach EEEinstein One Flag CTF EEEinstein http://www.forgehub.com/maps/booom-beach.748/ [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
EEEINSTEIN submitted a new map: BOOOM BEACH - Storm the Beach on Boom Beach This map is inspired by high ground from halo 3. Its built for One...
This map is inspired by high ground from halo 3. Its built for One Flag CTF but can handle Multi-flag and Slayer as well. 2-10 Players...
EEEINSTEIN submitted a new map: Boom Beach - Storm the Beach on Boom Beach This map is inspired by high ground from halo 3. Its built for One...