Why talk on your Xbox? Why don't you just Appear Offline when you're on MSN? I personally think that it's a rip-off unless you plan to use your...
I personally don't raelly think that the Ghosts is over powered. It can travel throughout the map though...
Hmmmm, ah yes those I forgot about. But it's still missing about like 20... and the Gravity Hammers sometimes kill peole without a medal.
If so, then it says I have 1483 Beat Downs and 746 Melees... ???
Well, one day I was bored and I looke at my Service Record to find out something funny. The number of Beat Downs + Assassins does not equal the...
~Belongs in Forge Discussion Interesting idea though. However, I think the sniper has too little bullets. It'll be wasted before 10 seconds of...
Too much infection gets really boring after a while. Maybe a once in a while weekend playlist would be good.
Created by: VestigeL and AK II ZERO II Map Download here. Gametype: Slayer (only) Description: This map was mostly inspired by Serwers (it is...
I like Avalanche since it is like some sort of vehicle warfare but I think Blackout would be the best Forge map...
There isn't a lot to do past the gate anyways. The area before the death barrier is too small and if I remembered correctly, it pushes you against...
Starfox really brought back good memroies. Mario Kart was really good too!
I actually watched him make the map from scratch and was there in the game most of the time [doing nothing]. I downloaded your final version of...
A night time map might be okay but then everyone will be the colour steel O.o
I don't like the fact that the map pack has two remakes in it. They could've put one in the Heroic map pack?