If I rememered correctly, this was a really old map that wasn't noticed... or I just lost my mind... Anyways, I like the map but I can't be too...
I think that you can make the VIP respawn elsewhere. Try playing around a little with the respawn areas and starting points. I doubt you can make...
Well, both ideas sound nice but the only problem is that you are very limited to the items. There are no double walls, corner walls and other...
Well, I usually make small tights maps so budget/ item limit isn't a problem. I usually add a lot of scenery if you can see outside. But like the...
Not exactly, I haven't seen a good one yet. The closest one is still a bit lacking some details I like. The Pit, Turf, Narrows.
You are alraedy a member by signing up at this website. It's not a clan, just a community so don't go looking through the B.net groups 'cause it's...
I change my pick to MetaKnight. F---ing ownage!
Obviously... I'm hoping for a forged map playlist.
Kinda more like editing eh? Well, I found better "free website" places that allows you to upload things using FTP.
I gotta go see it right now! Jackie Chan looks funny... but seriously, why is the guy from Transformers in it?
Getting tired of symmetrical maps. Lots of walls and less boxes, dl-ed for me.
Well, infection maps are always the same no matter what. Even if you reshape the whole map and trash the gametype, it's not gonna change. That's...
Lol, illegal versions are always great. Can't you find some tuturial on the net somewhere? Can I sue you? jks
So... basically, this is a ForgeHub competitor that's gonna fail miserably?
Well, unless TDF begs on his knees in fornt of Luke, it won't happen...
The only reason why I atually ever play Lone Wolves is for the achievements. Other than that, it sucks. I'm a 35 in TS so msg me if you're...
I remembereda thread about going over the limit with items but I lost the link. I think it's when you you save and quit a lot...
The map seems rally nice and clean from the screenshots. Dl-ing
Easiest option: Call the doctor.
Blackout: Played a Slayer match on it and won with me in last... I got lost... Avalanche: Fooled around in Forge with it using the Scorpion and...