I download a map based on how well it's built, MLG does not matter.
It's obvious that Foundry is still the #1 most Forged based map. It offers the most possibilities to us. The new maps only have new items but they...
Halo 3 and CoD4
Haha, Brute Shot = Whiteout! Nice find. Actually, isn't playing too much Halo = General Gr. 4?
I like the effects of number 1 better than the others'.
It depends on how long that "long time" will be. Kinda sucks that Halo is over, I had fond memories of Halo 2 and 1.
I hate the future. Soon other people will be controlling me.
Well, someone must be pissed lol.
I guess that if you play enough Halo, anything can happen!
I rather not get a PS3. Xbox 360 owns it.
I haven't tried actually playing with the filters, but I also prefer not to. The filters make everything look so unnatural...
Wow, a browser? This means we can join any game we want right?
Old, but I rarely pay attention to them. This must be the first GTA thread I payed attention to.
Aesthetic Maps were never good to be played on before. The gameplay wouldn't work out great.
This map looks good judjung from the screenshots. I think that bump may get me a bump on my head though...
I'm not surpirsed that someone made a Rocket Race map for Avalanche. The only problem is getting to play it with enough people. Most of my firnds...
The original Starfox was really good. Zelda gets my second vote.
Well, this is a first, I never seen anyone racist Australians before... All the same, racism is always bad. It seems even worst when they put that...
Looks interestingly big... I check it out later but judjing from the screenshots, it looks pretty nice but lacks some aesthetics, no big deal.
Ooooo, a working belt, now that's something I gotta see. I really like the aesthetics (ON Button).