I wish that the playlist could've came earlier, I'm currently hooked on R6V2.
Great, all I need now is FH to become B.net Jr. Most of the mpas are from FH O.o but there kinda old. I swear Pallet Parade should be Fav.ed
It's a free country so no one can say that kids can't play Halo. It's rated M sure but it all depends if their parents buy it for them. Kinda like...
http://forums.xbox.com/20200369/ShowPost.aspx Doubt it's gonna be as good as COD4, IW isn't making it...
That's what the introduction board is for! We like to welcome fresh new members from the chaotic B.net to the more relaxing FH!
1. Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 2. Halo 3 3. Super Smash Brawl 4. Call of Duty 4 5. Halo Custom Edition
The Xbox 360 is a really good system and has lots of good games. I don't have a Wii but I want one. Though good Wii games are fewer than 360s. I...
Lovely, seems like this guy is very determined to do his thing. Are people that stupid?
The world depends on technology too much. Look what happened to you, no internet = dead man.
Yea, currently I'm too lazy to even publish my map (take screenshots lol...). I prefer to think what happens if I get like 1000+ dls? Not to brag...
Specific Zelda game or any one of them? Btw, good luck on that.
Interesting indeed... coming from a retired staff O.o
If you're looking into making a race map on Blackout, maybe you should re-consider. The corriders are really tight and it would be awfully hard to...
Wut iz dat supose 2 meen? U got sumting aganst mee¿ Anyways, welcome to ForgeHub NOTW22. I hope to see your maps soon. PS. I find it faster to...
I agree, this is very formal indeed... Welcome Bib Robert?
I don't really hate MLG, neither do I like it. I just don't play it really often. Basically, yes, the weapons are too limited and the MLG maps suck.
It seems like this map is a little too open for my taste. Not enough cover in the middle and few on the surrounding. Seen this a long time ago though.
I doubt the police would allow people riding with fake guns on top. [Terrorists with real guns and killing everyone] lol. Now why would you want a...
Does this allow Recon? Head: Rogue Body: Scout RS: Hayabusha LS: EOD
Now why would anyone want a mauler to get a scope? Why doesn't a shotty get a scope? Why don't you remove the scope from snipers? Common sense...