Recently I had a massive idea pop into my head. It as an asset map named "Final Stop" located in the skybubble. It is a long idea which I am...
...If pre-DLC maps had immovable objects to play with in forge? I would make a really cool map around the windmill on Last Resort.
The stadium has been slowly filling for the past hour and is now finally full. There is great excitement amongst everyone. Suddenly the...
YouTube- Ice Blocking Me and my friends made this, thought I'd share.
I have been working on thsi for a week now and I'm ready to show everyone a preview. This map will support up to 12 people and will be best played...
I have started creating a battle track map and showed it to Scobra. He suggested that I should change some of the turns to banked turns. Now, I'm...
Not long ago in a supermarket not so far away. Help fight the dark side of the farm. YouTube- Grocery Store Wars (2005)
Hey everyone I have 2 achievements which I am struggling to get in GRID. 1. Gentlemen Driver: I have gone into to The Dunlop Spa event twice and...
Ok I have been working on a map for this thread. It is a heavier variant of The Pit. You can find info on the map here. Basically I'm not sure...
Just happened in a game of Team BRs on Citadel. Here is a screenshot: Supa Stick... betrayal... [IMG] Film clip is easier to understand. Film...
How do you geomerge sender/reciever/two-way nodes? I saw somewhere it had to do with setting the spawn type to asymmetric, or something like that....
Hey does anyone know of another website where I can upload my videos other than youtube? I made a montage of all these really crazy/funny things...
I have drawn up 2 map Ideas which I know I will never be bothered to do, so I am gonna present them to you and if you want to make it just say so....
Today I played a game of Mulit Flag BRs on Standoff and my team was really annoying. The whole game they basically grabbed the flag and brought it...
In an infection game do the zombies count as attackers or defenders? Also what would setting a spawn area as attackers affect in terms of game play?
Some of you may remember me talking about this map before and I know you all wanted pics. So I am going to post some pics of what I have done so...
I know I have been posting a lot of screenshots lately, but here here are 4 more I have taken. [IMG] Turbines [IMG] End of the World [IMG]...
Today I started forging on Ghost Town (I took a break from my map Fish and Clips) and blocked off certain areas, added new walkways and new...
Here are 4 shots I took today. [IMG] Partikuel [IMG] Its watching [IMG] Threshold [IMG] Finity
Here is a list of all the screenshot rooms (dark rooms, blue rooms, etc) used for taking screen shots. I know how hard it is to find a download...