...get it When I take screen shots I try to use little to no effects in them. What do you think of these? They were all taken on Snowbound....
Recently I created 2 variants of the Team Slayer gametype which are both sort of the same thing. I wanted to see which one was better. The two...
A while back I made a map called Storm Water. There is a link in my sig. Everyone liked this map, but it had problems. One, the zombie spawn was...
But absolutely no motivation: Storm Water V.2: V.1 was submitted into Hub of the Dead and lots of people liked it. The downfall was that it was...
Does anyone find the Bioshock 2 multiplayer as boring as I do. I said to myself that I would try and reach level 20 by the end of the weekend....
I have two good screenshots for Screenshot of the Week but Im not sure which one I should enter. 1. [IMG] OR 2. [IMG]
Hey forgehub Just thinking of starting up a map pack based around a Racing variant called SPRINT. An overview of the gametype is below. Anyway,...
Imagine a Spartan-II with a more advanced Mark-VII power armour. Now picture that as stealthy and producable as a Spartan-III. How win sauce would...
Recently I thought back to when I found forge and remembered some of the (crappy) creations I made. The first included a "competitive" map which...
Wow, nice looking map. The aesthetics look excellent. As organite said the nature vs industrial really does make this map unique. I wont have time...
Well recently I have been working a super secret project and found that traditional geo-merging is so much more exact. Ghost Merging is great, not...
Here are a few shots I took today on orbital: [IMG] Light at the end of the tunnel [IMG] Untitled [IMG] Electra [IMG] Hyper Jump [IMG] Stare...
Just wondering if there is anyone who wants to help with a super secret p4wn sawce project that I am working on. Requirements (in order of...
I recently had an idea to move the whole stock sandbox level into the desert. Although this would take ages, I reckon it would produce a very...
Or did Bungie bother to get outside of The Pit and place random objects which add to the OLN and budget. Example: Next to the Troop Hog is a...
[IMG] The interior of the train flickered light from the half broken overhead light. The carriage rocked back and forth, the continuous rumble of...
Has anyone noticed that they have edited the matchmaking version of Last Resort. I don't know if this is old or new, but the single open box...
The interior of the train flickered light from the half broken overhead light. The carriage rocked back and forth, the continuous rumble of the...
All these were taken today on the level Floodgate. In the game were me, Noxiw and xcheph AKx [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Hope you...
Do the covenant spawn as attackers and humans as defenders? Do I place starting points or spawn points for humans at the start and how many? How...