[IMG] High above the desolation of Installation 05, this ancient foreunner temple resides, waiting for the next sacrament of blood to be...
[IMG] Stop the covenant before they gain access to the superintendant, down in the cold depths of the Data Hive... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
[IMG] "Amazing!" "*nerdgasm*" "It looks great and plays so well!" [IMG] [IMG] Remember: Runoff Created by Crypto nv and Kavemanr - Slayer -...
No Im not gloating, just watch the video and you will see why: YouTube - Most Epic Flag Run EVAR! Featuring me and my friend t3knikal. Thanks...
[IMG] Hard to find a good ammount of people willing to test your maps? Your custom lobbies filling up with annoying, screaming, prepubescent...
Just want to get the community's views on this, do you think bungie should release an update/patch (if it's even possible) with these additional...
Ok fellow members, I have a challenge for you guys. If you win you could potentially be the first person to achieve such a thing. It is also sort...
[IMG] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9508268/Gyroscope%20Pictures/info%20and%20dl.png Finally after a long wait, Gyroscope is finally here! I have spent...
[IMG] You know what this ^ is? Its a halo reach gametype image found on bungie.net. Its also the VIP gametype image. What gives? Direct link:...
[IMG] Wassup Community. I have a very interesting suggestion for you guys today and I wanted to see if you guys like or dislike the idea. Lets...
Just a thing I want to see, what was the first achievement you got in Halo: Reach? For me it was, strangely, 'Be My Wingman'. Honestly I don't...
NEW IMAGES [SPOILER] YouTube - Gyroscope Map Preview WATCH IN HD^ Thanks to steve 11thSelby for capturing the film clips. Music: Wretches and...
[IMG] In between my two larger projects, Gyroscope and Night Shift I decided to create an awesome, lag-less Sacrifice map because everyone loves...
People keep getting the different types of kill volumes mixed up. Heres clarification. SAFE AREA BOUNDARIES kill anyone OUTSIDE the boundaries...
Across Forgeworld, from coliseum to the end of the gulch. I challenge you to beat this record without the aid of anything except an armor ability...
Its always darkest before the dawn... [IMG] Spartan Loadout Cam [IMG] Elite Loadout Cam Did I get you guys interested? Good because Ill be...
Because there is no Forging 101 or Forging 201 section yet I thought you guys would appreciate these helpful Reach related tutorials. Some are...
I remember in Halo 3 how towards the end everyone began getting sick of sandbox's bland architecture. Do you reckon this is going to happen to...
In case you cant be bothered downloading the content to your xbox (like me) here is whats been released so far. Ill add each one when they arrive....
[IMG] CnC please. This was mainly a test.