Dedicated to a mate who recently had pretty bad stack while freeboard... The sig speaks for itself. [IMG] stock: [SPOILER] also CnC please.
This was put together by me and my friends for a mobile film competition. Filmed with an iPhone 4S and Samsung Galaxy S2. Mario on Marimba -...
Is PETA ****ed, or are they just simply trying to troll the entire the gaming community? First we saw them shout 'Animal Cruelty' over the fact...
Ive been editing this little sig/graphic thingo for a about a day now and Im not sure where its heading, but it looks cool. The idea was to make...
Something I conjured up in about 45 mins. CnC plz. [IMG] Stock: [SPOILER]
Hey forgeub its cryppy, the guy who is creating half of the throwdown videos along with skisma. I thought Id show you guys what I do when Im not...
So there i was playing multiflag on Wayont, which a surprisingly good map, and i went for a long range stick. I chucked the grenade as far as i...
I had a go a creating a never say die records inspired album art. Comments and criticism are appreciated: [IMG]
[IMG] Sector 10 within New Mombassa has seen better days. The air is thick with the pollution of an un-maintained ghost city parted only but the...
"... Sir, we managed to intercept some video feeds. They're rather choppy and damaged but I think they'll suffice..." "...Load 'em up and show me...
[IMG] Thought Id give light to my most recent projects and let them taste some fresh forgehub air. [IMG] 8-14 players This map is a remake...
Archaism So I got a little treat for you today folks. Recently I became sick of the grey and bland look of Forgeworld and headed over to Tempest....
I believe I may have found a new trick for sword base that involves the target locator. What is this trick oh mighty crypto? Well boi, it allows...
[IMG] Some little marine: TANK BEATS EVERYTHING! Master Chief: Yeah we know. We've already taken out 3 wraiths, a fleet of choppers, a bunch...
Procrastination has its limits, and I think with this map we may have hit it, set a small plastic explosive charge and ran right through its...
I've never been fully satisfied with reaches campaign. It just doesn't have as much replay ability as the other games in the series, but I could...
BIP, BAP, BAM!! Started working on a new map and its about 90% structurally done! Not gonna write anything, Im gonna let 2 images tell the story....
Dont be hatin', just thought I'd share. What if [whoever creates the maps now] brought in a Sandbox 2.0 with the same couple of areas and the...
I have to share this. Today I played a game of Slayer DMRs on Capacitor, and besides the map being kinda bland my team got absolutely smashed....
[IMG] High above installation 05, this ancient forerunner temple resides, waiting for the next sacrament of blood to be spilled... >DOWNLOAD...