Yay! LBP ftw! I went absolutely crazy when I got it 1 day before release because of postal mishaps and whatnot. I STILL haven't ordered/bought...
Now I know what he says... I just amused myself by pretending he said 'FOR SPARTA!'
What you're talking about is something more along the lines of a simulator. I remember a game (possibly delta force?) where your body was divided...
I'd recommend that you buy the PC version, I think all of rants will be sorted out quickly by some simple mods.
I'm just going to point out, no copyright is being breached (so nothing is unlawful) but it IS plagiarism which is morally wrong. On the subject...
For a moment one of the top rated comments said there was multiplayer, i- is this true!?
You must be over 17 to watch this video!? Also there's a Skyrim discussion thread here: Click me!
I'm a bit too excited about seeds. Yesterday a majority of the time I was on Minecraft was spent trying out different seeds, I found a nice little...
When they say there's lots of different things that are going to be added before release I'll be happy. I also agree that there isn't much more...
I agree, it had a fresh and unique story that I found very clever.
We all have our own opinions and I want to end this argument (although I'm still going to get a few things off my chest). IF the game had done...
I've already seen Infiminer before, it doesn't have grassy blocks where the grass grows about 1/3rd of the way down, it doesn't have minecarts and...
I'm not going to pick at anybody but even my laptop can handle Minecraft. If the game was different enough I'd be supportive of it but it's not,...
-Real time battling, I want the games to be more like the Anime series. I've played every series of the game and I just feel like that's what's...
Although it does look really good and they say it isn't like Minecraft I bet if we just installed a fancy texture pack to Minecraft it'd be almost...
Anybody have interesting seeds for there usernames? My one's pretty boring but I decided to build a sandstone house. Also, I lost my first ever...
Good thing that you can choose not to update then isn't it? Notch once again saves the day! (Somehow)
That sounds really awesome! I have a few questions though; -Firstly, are there loads of war-hungry people or just a few (I don't really like...
I just can't wait until Minecraft is officially released and nobody will have to pay for servers! (I think).
WIN! I've finally started playing half-life 2 (because I'm now legally allowed to buy it) and it's fun (although I know everything that happens)....