It would take me too long to find the article. It was an interview some site/magazine held with Certain Affinity. They weren't treating it like it...
Certain Affinity, who handled Forge (as well as other aspects) of Halo 4 for 343i, has acknowledged that it was an oversight on their part, and...
Finally got to play this! For the most part, it worked well. I need to look into hill contest settings, if I can.. but other than that it was fun....
Played one game on this tonight in a party, and we played Regicide. It was my first game of Regicide ever. Don't much care for that gametype......
I'm.. not gonna give that site my email
Havent gotten a chance to playtest at all. I got the next couple days off, so hopefully soon?
Best Buy Pre-order
[IMG] At least until i get my Pathfinder helmet
Drop the "the" Just... Void. /puts on sunglasses /marries Jessica Biel
Nice! Send me an invite soon. i'll probably be on some tomorrow. Oh, and I've already created Rocket Race and a few maps for it. Haven't had a...
This iteration of forge is frustrating enough to make me not care to make a map perfect, so I couldn't blame ya for that. I'll check it out next...
That's an odd thing to "really think," considering you've never set foot on it :)
It needs more work before it'll be ready for some games, so I have no idea how it'll fare with 4v4. I don't have a ton of time to dedicate to...
Great maps are less about the structures you build, and more about the space surrounding them. Not that this is a great map, but hopefully it will...
This is the very first thing I thought of as well. Less bridgey, more roomy.
I am a Halo 3 man after all. Reach blew.
Been working on a something on Ravine for a few days now. It's not gonna blow anyone's mind away, and it's still VERY rough around the edges, but...
The Schrute Farms spinoff is dead, unfortunately. But Mose was never going to be in that anyway, from everything I read. Anyway, Schur has been...
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention he plays Mose, Dwight's cousin on The Office.
hahaha awesome! I have an article like that as well, that I read every few months - Little Man, Gigantic Exaggeration Of His Abilities If you're...