I always viewed Shock as the glue that held this place together. I looked up to him about as much as a person could look up to someone who he's...
While this may be true, I'd hardly pin it on Insane.. but I don't care to discuss it any further, as it's rather inappropriate. Just remember,...
Unless John Hurt was straight up lying in an interview, yes, I am sure. It's definitely not speculation. As for Clara, it was made pretty clear...
It'll all make more sense when the 50th Anniversary episode airs in November, but the actor you saw at the end, John Hurt, has kinda dropped a...
Great work Dax! Thanks for bringing this to life in H4. (do i finally get a feature for this map, since it was originally deemed only good...
This looks like it has some interesting contrast between room battle and longer sight lines. The kind of map that the BR is more useful. Looks...
It was only OK. It started to have some good Clara-storyline progression, but they she has it all wiped from her memory basically, so its...
Oh snap Carbon! You done got yourself all did up for me??? You sexy!
Wow. That looks crazy impressive.
Word. The biggest flaw of Moffat's Doctor Who is that everything has to be a love story. Still, one of the better episodes since it came back...
GI's return was cool, I suppose. But the rest of the episode kinda sucked. Thank god JLC is so damn charming and adorable. She and Smith can carry...
I can't believe this is premiering next Saturday.. THEN THE VERY NEXT DAY GAME OF THRONES PREMIE- /faints
This is ****in awesome.
so you can't forge on the other maps? At best, that's a weak argument. I assure you, you are incorrect. Just seems silly to put that restriction...
Why can't people submit maps forged on other canvases besides erosion, impact, and ravine?
ODST OST is the only Halo soundtrack I own. It's fantastic.
It was from my Galaxy S Captivate
The only real, significant upgrade is the addition of Google Now, which I love. Outside of that, the changes are minimal. Maybe a hair faster, but...
Its actually been out for a couple months now. Just not as an OTA update. You have been able to upgrade via Samsung Kies for quite some time now....
Im not one for remaking maps, especially my own. I give anyone and everyone free reign on remaking mine, if they so choose, though. Thanks for the...