Your map looks sweet but one question remains in my mind how is it like china?
I have seen a map like this before but i like your one
I like the look of your level and that staircase made with ilted double boxs.
One: why did you post an unfinished map Two: I can't rate this map due to there not being nearly enough built Three: First post
I take it in stages and if i want some motivation i download a lot of maps from ForgeHub - Halo 3 Maps (the good and the bad) then play them all...
A very good idea and executed in the same way good show.
Looking good nice interlocking i have it downloading
I can link Ps: My downfall is not prette's downfall my sig can back me up and is not done.
OMG my new map has one of those shield doors + wall corner things in it , you even have power ups in it im gutted. how long did it take to build...
Your sig is classic ON TOPIC: A very complex map by the look of things i will have to play before i rate it but its looking good. I like how you...
I will give this a four out of five now that people have learned how to make elevators there seems to be an increase of maps using them now so i...
Damn that must of taking a while to interlock all those walls for the track nice work.
I think that this is one of the few maps that doesn't need interlocking nice good job : )
Looks great can't wait to play it and i love the long arched shaped corridors. ps: How strong should zombies be.
I like your style
This is truly breath taking possibly the best forged map i have ever scene i must shake your hand , i don't know where to start on how well this...
I love your river running through the middle great use of your brain .
Amazing nice and tidy interlocking great map and good use of window panels normally you can't aim to far down if there the right way up.
I love the hue towers great use of dumpsters as well.
Nice i like the two bases on either side nice interlocking and you named it after one of my favourite songs < Brownie points