Out of any map forged or not Guardian is the best map for sniping (My opinion :P
<LI class="break styled">gone comando placed 2nd <LI class=styled>Playlist - Basic Training 27/09/2007, 10:29 PDT Length: 00:10:55 Top medal...
Depends on the storyline. My favourite one is a title i can't remember but its of four guys doing a drug deal then on of the guys nicks all the...
Lol :P
lol :D
Yeah muse nice work sorry for first post its that no one on hear speaks about music or if they do i can't find that section of the forum :P
Make a map at your service i don't care about the month free i just like building maps only problem dark is only able on four maps and all of them...
[IMG] As a die hard muse fan i know that thats MATT
Hi :) Can we swear?
That post was sweet i haven't seen the map yet but i gave it 5*s just for advertising lol.
True and parts of it are not in helms deep but its on u tube
This map is on u tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmqiFf7anYc
You are right but thats the point to find out different people views and opinions on the matter which were discussing. And i agree with (forgot...
Hey there yea i play rugby i love it just now my team is the best in are league and we can't get any higher so at the start of the new season in...
Its a good map but you wrote "Trench Foot is a symmetrical map focused on trench warfare." can you please explain to me how this is even romotely...
Boom Rifle A mixture of a br and a rocket launcher.
You and youre swiches there great you always make the switch work in a different way to produce a different result. But can someone please...
Lol lololololololololololoololoololololololololoololololololololol what the hell he's like 8 years old and he's built all the halo weapons man...
Write down what youre favourite map is, my favourite map is Interrobang by Debo37
I haven't played any of the other game mentioned from the above users except this one. This game is just so fun youre reconstructing world war...