Are you a member of XForgery?
I anticipated that move, and have come up with several precautionary tactics to stop you along the way.
Yes, Jimmy was the first casualty of many that must be completed before my final rise to power. Soon, nobody will be able to stop me!
What I didn't tell you at the time was that wasn't my blood...
I'm suddenly not as big a fan of this little coup.
You say "evil", I say "brilliant"....
And 2009 it is, as that is the year that the world is turned on end and finally released from its own madness.
Yes! We must abolish individuality, for it only brings turmoil for society as a whole. We will bring an end to the oppression that is singular...
I'm working to stuff my heart and soul full of conformity. I'll learn to love it, whether I like it or not.
Okay, I'll push aside my personality and try to be more....... not me........ Hopefully that will help.
Oh yeah, just to let you know, we caught this guy making multiple accounts on XF, so keep an eye on him for other dirty deeds.
*sigh* It gets so lonely over here when I sign in and find that nobody loves me.......
Exactly. I breathe a sigh of relief every time I go back.... lol
(sad face) I guess I'll have to deal with the lack of knowledge....
lol, it is so weird being on FH. I'm used to seeing all of the secret messages around the forums. For instance, your Current Activity is...
Yeah, there was no way we were going to say "Give Us Money & You Get Mod Powers!" I don't see how that could work, in any situation.....
In a sense, yes, but Supporters don't really get access to any behind the scenes process, except they help narrow down the Feature Nominations....
Just wanted a general idea, so I could at least have something to go by. Therefore giving a mildly educated answer, besides simply saying "u d0nt...