lol :P
I see how it is........
Thanks! Psssh, I offer some help and not even one response in 6 hours..... :P
I can haz unban now?
O M G S P A M!!!! lol lol lol lol
I hate you...
Happy Birthday here too!
Yeah, I was trying to leave a giant puddle of sarcasm there, assuming that people would step in it. Without my lack of "expertise" in Conquest, I...
I actually agree that it should be named differently, and if I had seen that similarity before, I would have insisted on it. But, to defend it a...
Looks interesting. I've only recently come into extreme contact with Conquest (With AZN pushing it down my throat :P), and as you said, this...
lol, thanks.
I knew about the "Guilder Joke" a couple days before it happened, because I have my inside sources. Thus the reason I played into it......
OMG, I got Guilder!!!!
I lol'd... [IMG]
Welcome to your Trial Friendship!
Fix this one too. This link goes outside of FH, which isn't allowed. You're supposed to fix "anything else that leads back to any other websites."
Just laying the smack down on some FH bitches.
OMG, I'm so glad that you finally posted this RST. You're one of my favorite forgers, and I'm so glad that this marvelous piece of work got...
OMG, RST Likes Boys In Bikinis!