You would get Bungie Front Page......
I told you that you'd want one. ;P
You know you want one.
I've had this happen, but it only happens in Forge. When you actually play the map, it should be fine.
I'm afraid, very afraid.....
That's interesting, seeming as I don't know any rich southerners.........
OMG! What am I doing here?! ;)
Not to mention that the number is "Recommended" and not a straight requirement. When I see recommended, I assume it means that it plays the best...
Thanks. A little late, but I'll still accept it. ;P
Thanks! ;)
Combo Breaker?!
You beat everybody here too! ;)
Are you a member of XForgery?
This is the one thing I found in my 30 second search. Other sources actually said that PHP came with Panther, so there was no need to install it.
Sorry, I don't really have any advice when it comes to installing PHP, since we pay for our server and it comes pre-installed. ;) In this case, I...
Actually, XF is my first foray into anything Web related. I had done basic HTML and such before, but I had to teach myself Javascript, AJAX and...
I guess that depends upon what facet of life you are inquiring about. XF: Everything Work: Software Engineer at IBM Life: Married with a 4...
Sorry, I disappeared. That tends to happen when you are at work. Stupid meetings....