Yeah I posted the pic not to long ago but, I thought why not see how many Purple Hippos I could find so I made this thread.
Well I've seen some threads like The Official Grunt Confetti thread! which is made by Ty. So I thought I could made The Official Purple Hippo...
Looks like a fun map to play on 4/5 and a DL. PS...Some people (not me I don't care) don't like it when people take pictures in forge because they...
OMG! A duck I must find it! Can I have a hint were it is?:happy:
Yes I have found 7 on Foundary and 2 on Highground. I didn't know about the campaign ones though. The on I have shown in the guide is probely the...
This is one of my favorite easter eggs H3 has. Yes, you may have seen him before like in H2 on the yellow wall on Headlong. [IMG] If you want...
Well I can't say much (because it has already been said and I don't like repeating). But, I was say 5/5 and a Dl.
Yes I'm on a Ghost and also I have stated before (if you didn't see it) it is on HighGround.
The very first picture and the 3rd one is not working (don't know if it is for someone else) but if it is possible could you fix it? Although from...
The effects I used hmm.... well I got shot by a lazer in matchmaking so I guess I used a lazer, the ghost blowing up and the lighting of...
Yeah, the only reason I put the writting on the picture is so I didn't have to write in the thread and someone miss it... If you want I can post...
I love the two pics Ive seen from you so far (Arby n' the Chief).
It was taken on Highground.:squirrel_giggle:
What do you mean gives the pic away? Do you mean where it was taken?
This picture was not actually happened in matchmaking and I splattered the guy who lazered me. :squirrel_giggle: [IMG] (I edited...
One thing I like besides the geo-merging and the interlocking is that it actually stands out from other MLG maps. Even though something arent...
Looks like a fun game. Maybe have a Game Type to go with it (evern though you stated what has to be changed) because I sometimes forget what I...
Well I cant really say much (because most of it has been said)...but I do like the interlocking and it looks like a very fun FFA map. Im DLing it...
Looks like it could be a fun map for Hide n' Seek. Maybe make a V2 to close up some of those cracks that you can see through but cant go though...
Never thought of that....maybe I should change it. But I'm glad that everyone likes it so far and thanks for the good ratings.