oh, well it's one of my friends, that bastard. And Btw im filming my music vid this week
v v v HAHA! That's fooney
And it is a real switch, what else would you call it? a fake switch? it's a min max door switch, don't be such a douche just because your premium
Really? I didn't know that, you should help us with the playing field we've been building. Seaboro never seems to have time to help with it and...
Yeah, it's version 45, well not really it's the 45th time i've edited it. And Btw i'm gonna bring out a V2 with smoother switches and better one's...
Look's good though you may want to sink your bridges, here is a guide. But besides that it's pretty well layed out and plays good 4/5
whats not to get? the score is set to 1, theres 10 rounds, so whoever kills the other person wins and the round is over, then two other people go...
very nice everuthing looks and plays great. You should try your hand at an infection map similar to this. Or a V2 for infection. My bridges are my...
BTW some noob stole your map and posted it, i already got mad at him
Uh, this isn't your map, Seaboro Kibbles was the original creator and he never posted it. please give him the well deserved credit!
and technical, maby casual
Also put hit city in infection, Maby ill get third!:)
i think my thory that you can raise and chnage sand dunes as well as time of day and weather may be correct or depending on the time of...
ok i did hog the hill, you put hit city in best use of switches, and ill figure out somewhere to put one of your other maps
so did you post hog the hill cuz i don't see it
k, on the machnima will be a comedy, definetly gonna use the cops and robbers idea. And for the map you post Hog The Hill and ill do smear the...
hey, got any ideas for a short machinima?
hey, i really like your style, we should forge sometime! nice map btw
dude! i love your name i watched that all the time as a kid! Also i love your map Assurgent, add me up and well forge sometime: Lanky Frank Thomas...
wow this is the best looking map i've ever seen, ANd it plays great! Very clean very original, very fun! 5/5