U r gotting live suun?
Although i have infact found a way to cheat being the ninja i am, haha,ahaha,AHAHAHAHAHAAHAH! Lol, ill show you next time were on and you can...
Did you ever finish that map on HIT City, if so id really like to see your changes
I changed my mind, 10 hours in im not even close to half way mark, this is too much for me, im gonna try something else
More asthetic and a one sided attacking base, but mostly asthectic
are you any good with asthetics?
It's not ready for you yet, i'm doing a TON of geomerging which should take me a few days. Ill message you when im done but ill get some pics up...
ok, im gonna need some help with my map when you get back on. It's on avalanche and i could use your help with some interlocks since your better...
is your live out cuz your gamercard is only silver!
Could someone help me, how do i make boxes and double boxes stay one colour on avalanche?
also, asap put your version in your fileshare so i can put a link to it before people notice the link is dead :S
man, people are retarded, i nominated hog the hill to get featured but because i edited it after i posted it, it was uncounted because little...
not sure, just felt like making something
Hog the hill is not my map, seaboro kibbles made it. I just took the time to post it
can you put your empty budget glitched map on your fileshare for me? i need it bad
I like the map, al the forging techniques were used well but the gameplay stinks. Maby try to make more rooms in v2 with less hallways to reducs...
k ill help
Hey guys, just got the filiming going, my name is Lanky Frank and I've been shooting my first project: a satirical music video. Please submit any...
the one i helped with?
this has never happened to me before or anyone i know of. if it does youll just have to restart the game :{