Heres the high def vimeo video link also, you should send me your msn so i can get a hold of you more often
yeah, no its not. I created a map a while back exactly like this. Its a total rip off.
here is the vimeo link, im only uploading there now so i can have sound >:(
the music is being processed by copyright but i will be there
YouTube - Metropolis Beta Preview all done but the vid is processing, check on it often
that dudes name
thats kinda gay TK, but anyways ill start 2moro
its another way to say metropolis
nd maby Conurbation for a name
haha, anywho i might not start till saturday
We need to finish the Hog Highway, that way fans will continue to be fans
Here are some action pics [IMG]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and...
My Smeared Report People are getting stuck in the corner [IMG] People are getting stuck on walls, sugest make some more ramps all around...
i also need the map itslelf to do a scene
hey man, i saw birdcage and had a brainwave after playing it. Heres my suggestions: -Gametype Juggernaut -Everyone Spawns with rockets -Everyone...
ok, i got that. I may or may not start filming tomorow(technical defficulties). But the sooner i get the link the not diggin that song...
Here is the link to my first macinima short, enjoy and please comment Halo's Radio Stations on Vimeo
yeah. ill commentate and have friends do guest voices, so just like tell me the features why its fun ect