hmm i have to agree that it does seem like a fitting weapon. speaking of a sentinel beam btw.. i could not at all take my brother out when he was...
agreed, it seemed to work well for me and-OSHI!! i forgot about playtesting tonight :( sorry i was pretty busy with a school event anyways..
sure add some AR's, though on slayer they usually spawn with them.. my suggestion, remove the sword, and either keep the grav hammer where it is...
ooh cool a map! that would be nice.. you just used a heatmap? it looks great, my only complaint would be the excess of short-ranged weapons....
on the pit?? i was never attacked with the needler... oh i guess thats only if your going for rockets huh? i usually go for invisibility....
Do whatever you want, and whatever variant seems to work better we will try it out.. my version of construct is going kinda roughly.. so i would...
hmm i can see dimmest's working pretty well... but yeah Krazy, i do see what you mean. definetly a reason to have Invis... but i do see where you...
didnt know this one either... but could you do four? like start the game again with a fourth? nah probably not seeing as no one is saying so
gravity hammer seems like it would be much better for maps with a shorter line of fire heres a thought: spartan laser. really, with Isolation's...
sweet i said on the other thread i will try to join up. anyways, fixed up Paladin (guardian) and Ground Hog (high ground) today.. there is now...
Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone had some good gametype ideas.. original ones... i have two Pins n Needlers Starting weapon: Needler...
yeah we talked about it but i was kinda out of time to head a project like that.. and also out of money to buy a host...
alright thanks for the help
i think ive mostly finished it.. why do you have any good ideas for it? EDIT: been thinking about a construct remix.... my brother's friend was...
question: can you open recent games that you have played in matchmaking so that we could get Bungie's official matchmaking version? and i think...
:D and of the video.. AMAZING! i got chills watching that. and that skull face spartan was a BA. oh my god amazing im so happy for it.
G043r, yeah i agree. it needs to be as professional as possible.. we need good names, a new description for the map, and no mistakes/ weapons that...
wait you just contradicted yourself unless i read it wrong.. you don't want to submit it to bungie but you want them to consider it as...
hi jug. i really like your orange car one and that vertical girl one on the right... kthxbye. (btw im getting a drawing tablet for x-mas! i...
Crypto, im glad your taking up a Pit variant as well.. it will be nice to see how everything works out during play-testing. and i think that...