I will be willing to help you Gamertag: patrickcanttype Times Availible: 3-8 ET on weekdays, 11-8 ET on weekends I voted 15 days. With forge 2.0...
Or people trying to quickly build a tower, building, or extension of a building quickly or in a small place to avoid using blocks to build it.
I used to have a gamertag "A Bunch of Babies" for this reason ^
except for the fact that they were AWESOME. But yeah, I never understood the purpose of the flamethrower, spike grenade, or firebomb grenade other...
urk confirmed you can do this (or something like this) to make falling objects
I'm pretty sure that while in forgeworld, the kill barriers you place don't apply to you until you play a game. It's sad but it's probably true...
Yeah I noticed this the first time I watched the vidoc. Things like AA are 50 and structures are 150. I think what they wanted to do was make some...
I'm getting the regular version, but only because I can't afford legendary. If I could, I would definitely get legendary
I think he was joking saying that bungie gave us everything else we wanted. (note his "my weight in gold")
i think by the final frontier, he was just referring to space in general. So I assume he was talking about the backround, or the playable space in...
EB games and gamestop are owned by the same company (i'm 95% sure anyway)
Even if we can't climb it, at least we have a very good overview of forgeworld now
i loved this. period.
I'm 85% sure this was answered in a bungie Q&A thread and they said they fixed that bug at 3:25 theres no noticeable bump YouTube - Halo Reach:...
I'm not sure if this is the same vehicle but it looks close enough that we can assume it is the same. If so, the vehicle appears to be called the...
I wasn't calling out his post. I was talking about my own.
if you set FX to a timer, then yes, you can change the time of day (or at least how it looks) but not officially.
This looks like a very nice map. I hope the balance shows in the gameplay because if it does, then this will be an excellent game.
hello dr nick! I join forgehub a few days ago, posted 2 maps (psst my sandtrap map is much better) and have made many comments and threads. If...