I grew up with the dualshock controller design, so I have no issues with using whatever comes with it, dualshock 4 or whatever its called. Never...
As long as we don't see some "slide up on the touch pad to assassinate" kind of stuff, I guess it will be fine. So basically just menu shortcuts...
Im curious if this going to be a ps4 launch title, or if its just gonna be on its way to it. I know its gonna be for more than ps4, but frankly,...
Honestly, everyone needs to gets their ass back on topic. Stick seems butthurt about consoles existing, just leave him be. I for one dont feel...
Games can change alot in the early stages, perhaps in an earlier concept the traveler was more like a moon.
I think retail games will be the same, but downloaded versions might be cheaper in order to incentivize buying digitally off the marketplace of...
considering there are still ways around that stick, such as multiple disks, it becomes more of a question of, "is the developer actually not going...
my god, some of those are brilliant. The cord related ones and the dustpan in particular. I suppose I can try to contribute. If you have trouble...
meh, I never understood the hype aroumd runescape. Also, when I was younger, I thought it was Run escape since I didnt know any friends IRL that...
exactly, its a double triangle, meaning nobody would be at a disadvantage in any pairup.
YEEEEEEEEESS! Shingeki no Kyojin's getting an anime, **** yeah. Why is it when I decide to read a manga, suddenly when I'm like half through it...
soo... when does this contest start, and has it been decided on as water stuff? Also, how strict is the definition of vehicle, for example; could...
Fan speculation is that it will be a new type. Light type. It also should be noted that what is dark type in the english and localized versions,...
Oh, since its probably almost over, you guys should try out Zetsuen no Tempest. That is, provided you like dialogue heavy anime. Its kept me...
honestly, that should be the lsst thing to come to mind when watching anime on your leisure time.
I decided to start watching Usagi Drop, almost done with it and I love it so far. You probably wont appreciate it fully if youre younger though....
Sky, you might be interested in this: [IMG] The preorder period might be done by the time you see this though. I think its sweet as ****. If it...
What about subterranean vehicles? They are by far the coolest. srs though, out of the given options, space or water sound good.
Well, the forehead is rather round in the drawing, you might want to touch up on that as well.
I do believe he has. I know someone was talking about it earlier, I personally dont like it. Then again, that isnt my type of anime in the first...