Well, you know... The map is coming in a TU, not a separate dlc, it is completely possible that new weapons and vehicles could be packed in that...
Keep in mind, manga are generally written first. So technically it is the anime that doesnt follow the manga, not the other way around.
The Angels Take Manhattan was probably one of my favorite episodes with Matt Smith. Can't wait for this and Game of Thrones to start up.
I'm sure it'd be easier learning in a class rather than teaching yourself.
but I get paid, so it's better than nothing. At least in the long run it will be easier for me to watch anime too if I learn japanese. No need for...
Air force, and if I pass this test I'll be taking soon, I'll be going in as a cryptologic linguist (basically solves coded messages in other...
I havent really been watchin much anime lately, just keeping up with the few ongoing ones that are still going. My brother decided to pay for my...
I'd say either Namco Bandai or Capcom as my favorite publisher. Of course Capcom is only really because I loved Okami and Viewtiful Joe to death...
OMGOMGOMG, is she real?
Couldnt be as bad as my 42 turn video of me stalling out with gliscor vs a weezing. Leftovers+poison heal recovery, protect, dig, substitute and...
If the fact that you werent eFamous on the hub was the reason you stopped forging, you need to get your priorities straight. Anyways, if you feel...
[IMG] Ah, mudkipz.
quite alot of the gen V pokemon outclass older pokemon that did the same things. Prime example being Hydreigon and Haxorus being better than every...
Some ongoing ones I'd suggest are; Zetsuen no Tempest and Psycho-Pass. Some completed ones would be; Guilty Crown, Code Geass, Xam'd: Lost...
Psycho-pass would make the best movie out of those, although I would rather see a live action Berserk movie, or Hellsing.
Gameboy color: Pokemon Silver Version Gameboy advance: Pokemon Emerald Version Gamecube: (it was either Pokemon XD or Luigi's Mansion, can't...
I've been busy with airforce enlistment paperwork and stuff, so not much time for anime this week or next, I have snuck a couple episodes in...
It isnt the cost that is the real problem, as you said, most people can get that money to pay for it somewhere. It is the principle of making...
I suppose what you've said makes enough sense to grasp your point of view. Perhaps my sense of discomfort is different, because the only thing I...
Sorry, I should have elaborated a little. I meant that I don't understand why/how people can hate a controller and by extension, the system, I...