I spose. I gave it a try a while ago after index but had some issues and never tried again since, might as well try again. It just seemed alot...
nah man no need for hallways, looks good the way it is. Too bad I hate two flag with a passion, but it does look like oddball could work nicely too.
HOOOOOOLD ON. I majorly derped earlier. I was thinking of Index, not Railgun that had a second season already. It clicked when you said they...
see, thats what throws me off, you refer to a sequel as a second season, while saying the second season is just part of the first. Just difficulty...
Railgun S2 has been out a while. Unless you mean a sequel instead of a second season, in which case I havent heard anything about that.
did you seriously just find out about railgun s2?
Just when I thought the slender maps might stop... damnit
Agreed. Unless you REALLY want to watch all of the series, but even then, endless 8 is tough to get through. As a prior warning in case you don't...
yes. Watch the 2009 version, then the movie. As I said before, the 09 version includes the 05 version, in chronological order and also has more...
Yeah, I'll try out both the grav lifts and some support beams and see which looks better. And I'll see what I can do for the very top and bottom.
yes, think the 2009 version as the full series, while the earlier one would be the equivalent of a first season.
Thats part of what I was looking for second opinions on, I definitely have enough budget and pieces to work up some supports on the sides, just...
So, been a looooooong ass time since I last did this stuff so pardon me if this is pretty basic. Anyways, Relic spiritual remake, not 100%...
gonna watch the **** outta that later today, I always had a feeling they would continue it.
Similar to angel beats? I can think of: Kamisama no Memochou and (if you haven't yet seen it) The melancholy of haruhi suzumiya. Kamisama is...
that is one damned long match, if I still have my battle video for my doubls one I'll give you the video number.
I'm not seeing any screenshots... just saiyan, you might want to fix that.
Don't get me wrong, the fights after the timeskip are actually pretty boss. Its just the changes in Nami and Franky's character designs were...
I would rather see some predator maps than slender imo.
I noticed toward the end that the background music is the theme for HOTD. Also, fanservice is grossly invasive. Yes, there still are plenty of...