Technically speaking it is only aesthetically the red base. That said, it is alot easier to understand the layout ingame. That hologram is just a...
Yo, I want to kick this off with a big thanks to both Given To Fly and Public Servent, without both this maps design would never really been...
Well, the last one definitely caught my attention. Really nice look to that forerunner spire, would love to test it whenever you get to that point...
Halo 4 Forge Discussion Be sure when creating the thread, to add the prefix "Map Preview"
nah man, check out the preview thread I've got going. I dont really want to link and feel like Im advertising like a shameless ***** in your...
ah, makes sense. Maybe we can get some games in on this version some time, and I could show you what I've been working on lately too.
ha, I helped test this with you, I thought you were gonna change the middle up a bit though. But hey, if you decided against that, its cool. I...
I named my H3 mps after the theme of the map, some also in another language if it fit, "Friedhoff" means graveyard in german and was an infection...
Said it before but, Baccano and FMA for some weird reason. And DBZ.
I'm starting to wonder how I ever liked the dub voices for anything. It seems like it is time for my annual rewatching of FMA:Brotherhood
I tried to contact you Urban, Ill give yu a run through it if were both online sometime. Im busy Watching Defiance right now but Im free after...
Updated thread with a new picture of middle and a picture of the rocket side.
Would you kindly direct any further comments about my post structure to my pm box? Nothing against you or anything, I just don't want to turn the...
I'll see what I can do about the rails in the middle, though they do look better in motion than in that picture. Also, it is inspired by Rat's...
All ICP fans are jackalopes or whatever its called.
I'm starting Devil Survivor 2, same people that did Persona 4, thus a similar theme to it; demons. Like it so far, min character is the same VA as...
So... Here we go, needs testing to make sure its all right, but other than that its pretty much done. Anyways, havent thought of a name, if you...
These are not the fans you're looking for.
getting close to done on crows nest, wondered if you wanted to see it again before I try putting up a preview thread.