While I wont be online at all tonight and possibly tomorrow, if youre getting a group together for customs Id be down for that. I already have one...
the semi large stars (the bigger white dots) are too big to be believably stars, and much too erratic and close to be planets. I think you can...
See, THAT is much better than a figure eight. I like it. Figure eights are overused in layouts so something this complex is a nice change of pace.
Id try to put a mancannon to the banshee platform from defenders base if possible, but that might be something that would ruin 1 flag gameplay, so...
basically, a figure eight racetrack? That is what I gleaned from the picture. Not exactly the most unique idea if that is it, but it depends on...
yeah man, I loved it when we played last, though I wish I got to use the banshee. I'd definitely be willing to help in any future tests.
Attack on Titan is the ****in ****, it is the bees knees AND the cats pajamas all at once. Seriously. Also in either one or two episodes it is...
Oh god, you might **** bricks at the end of that. Speaking of psp's and horror... I feel like playing corpse party now. But seriously, the end of...
**** man, I usually wait a few days in between because I dont like being every other post. Sometimes I just post cause I feel like it though......
Got some good tests in the past couple days, still need to test a few more gametypes, but slayer is good and oddball is way better than I could...
Thanks, that test went much better than I expected, especially being a 5v5. That said, it did help me decide to make some weapon changes, along...
I AM THE BEEF SUPREME, **** YEAH! Honestly, how I am still #1 amazes me. I even went on a two week period without anime. Also, southpark does not...
I'd be up for helping test if you're doing that today.
^ best pv ever. Also, probably the most interesting of all the monogatari series. Chuunibyou is gonna be great too. First eason was actually...
#'s 1 and 24 excite me. For different reasons from each other, 1 being more serious and 24 being more a rom-com
I agree, Crimson Horror was much better. The next episode looks like it should be good too.
people misuse the term framerate to refer to an actual problem, which is a drop in framerate. Saying your map hs framerate is like saying a tv has...
well, Oculus Rift is as close as we hve to it right now. Definitely not SAO style VR, but a step in the right direction. Anyways, probably gonna...
dont use rotation snap on rocks, especially the large ones, they snap ~5° off of the normal objects. You can see it good on the rock 5 on the left...
just checked it out. Base playertrats overwrite any differences in loadouts. So if I have base player traits set t give people PV, it is in every...