You G&A kids are so funny. Thinking I was serious.
[IMG] C&C please?
Hello. I guess I'm not really new. I joined back in march. Does it make you happy your so strange? I never really posted, just ghosted as a guest....
no, I mean I need someone to party up with me and help me make it in forge.
I am trying to make a high school in forge, but I suck at forge. Can anyone help me out?
I change my gamertag alot. but now it is Scout Number 74, a play on Bnet mod Recon Number 54's name
@ S-Pac. I never thought the first melee system was fine, but I think the new one sucks.
I like the assault rifle from H3
will bungie ever make more?
pfft scout is better
Re: HOW TO: Hi-Def pics (noob-proof intructions) thanks for the awesome tutorial [IMG]
Hey man, see you got this up. great map by the way. Raven constructed, I did spawns
I don't find high ground unforgeable at all
Could someone please upload my maps on to Bnet, because I have a permanent BL
i was thinking super-epic mario kart
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[color=brown]I love Godfather too, but I can't recall any scenes/sets that would be fun to remake into a Halo map... I think I will prove you...
I like the movie idea. The possibilitie's for Godfather recreations are endless...