Precisely, yes. Sorry, I didn't mean to be snappy, it just kinda came out that way. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try that.
I know that, I'm not a novice, I mean into the wall on its face so that it looks like a door on the wall, like how people make tele-doors, but...
What is the best way to geomerge a door? I'm trying to geomerge a door part way into one of Foundry's walls, and I can't seem to get it straight.
Ell0 dar!
So, since anyone accepted to the Publishing group should know basic forum rules, I'm just going to write an expectations kind of thread. I'll be...
Yeah, definitely, I'm understanding so far.
Pretty good so far, but then, how could it not be?
I'm currently enjoying writing a first impressions thread in a Bungie custom games group that I received an invite from. What funsies.
For the sake of guides!
Yesh. I'm into the whole photography thing, but I wouldn't bother myself with all of the dos and don'ts of positioning, etc.
The rule of thirds definitely applies... It's all gibberish to me.
Insane comes to mind for whatever reason. But yes, everything anchors on our launch.
Alright, I just realized what you meant by "representatives of major groups". Lul. We could have someone represent FH?
We really need more people on the map front though, no? We have Fritzster and a not so devoted Cosmic Rick. And you and Felipe of course, but that...
Ah, you make a good point. I should have some free time tomorrow, which is a bit sad seeing as it's Valentines Day... I'm ronery... Lol. I'll send...
Alright. I'll talk to Fritzster in detail closer to release date about his articles and the release of those maps.
Definitely, I support your decision, and I'm glad we're that much closer. What else is on the agenda? I feel like I should be doing something. I'm...
I see you decided for Lief's promotion.
Gotta sign off, but I'll see whatever responses you make tomorrow.
Er... I'm kind of on the fence with him as well... It's tough. He's more a moderator position, as the disciplinarian of sorts, but then we have no...